All photos on this website are copyright The Love of China unless otherwise noted.

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Video by Media Services Ninja

The Love of China School of Dance
, located in northwest Austin, gives young people the rare opportunity of learning traditional Chinese dances, with students of ages spanning from four to eighteen. 

Our studio is located at 8863 Anderson Mill Road #116 (new location!). Click here for full mailing address.

The school is well known in the Austin area and has performed at countless cultural events as well as its own recitals, always in front of packed theaters. The Love of China was honored by the Austin Police Department for their numerous community service performances.

Also, the group has done shows with Splendid China, a nationally-renowned dance troupe from China, and has sponsored performances by a dance group from Taiwan.

Our school commits itself to teaching Chinese folk dance. The two missions of our school are:

  1. To serve the Chinese American community as an organization of maintaining the cultural heritage. 
  2. To introduce Chinese culture to American society through dance performances. 

Through their education in Chinese folk dance, the young people grow in determination and confidence, and are given a chance to connect deeply with their heritage, be part of unforgettable experiences, and gain pride for their culture.

Emily Dedear: founder and teacher of The Love of China

Emily Dedear, DirectorEmily Dedear began teaching Chinese dance in Austin in 1992, and officially founded The Love of China School of Chinese Dance in August of 1999. She grew up in Taiwan, where she trained in numerous different forms of dance, including traditional Chinese. She is a graduate of Chinese Culture University in Taiwan as a dance major. She specializes in Chinese folk dance, Kung Fu for Chinese Opera, ballet and so on; she is also an expert at both stage performance and dance pedagogy.

In 2008 she received the Flying Phoenix award from the National Dance Association of R.O.C. at a presentation in Taipei. 


2008 Flying Phoenix Award

You can meet our Teaching Assistants here!



NEWS (most recent at top)

2025 Lunar New Year Festival2025 Lunar New Year Festival
Posted 1/13/2025

Our school has organized a 2025 Lunar New Year Festival on Saturday, February 1, 11:00am-3:30pm. We will perform during the event, and have also invited many different groups to perform with us on stage. There are several Chinese schools/clubs that will provide craft tables for everyone.

Admission is free. Please join us!

Click on the poster to see it larger. The icons for the performance groups and sponsors are clickable for more information.

Location: Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Road, Austin TX 78754

Contact us for more information.  


Coming Soon: 2025 Recital April 5th
Posted 1/13/2025

We are happy to announce the time and place of our 2025 recital! It will be Saturday, April 5th at the Cedar Park High School Performing Arts Center.

Please check back here to see the poster and more information that will be available soon.


TLOC 2024-2025 schedule2024-2025 Schedule
Posted 6/30/2024

Our new semester begins August 5th! Click the thumbnail at right to view our 2024-2025 schedule.

Contact us about class openings or any other questions.  





Emily Dedear Receives Awards from Dance Society of the Republic of China
Posted 5/4/2024Emily Dedear receives awards from Taiwan

Emily Dedear has been named as the recipient of two awards from the Dance Society of the Republic of China. One is the Cultural Exchange Contribution Award, and the other is the Chunfenghuayu Teaching Award for 30 years of outstanding teaching. She attended the awards ceremony in Taiwan to receive the awards in person.

Click on the poster to the right to see a larger image, or click here to go to the announcement on the Dance Society's website.

2024 TLOC Summer Camps
Posted 4/16/2024

2024 TLOC summer campsPlease join us for one or more of our summer camps! Experience several dance styles in our 5-day Dance Camp. In each of the the two 5-day Theatre Camps you will learn and perform a different short musical. Dance, sing, and act!

Click on the poster to the right to see a larger image.




TLOC Performance at CapitolTLOC performance at Capitol
Posted 4/16/2024

We will perform in the rotunda of the Texas State Capitol from noon to 1 PM to celebrate Asian American Heritage Month. Please join us in this historic setting to celebrate the diversity of cultures that make Texas strong.


TLOC 2024 recital posterThe Love of China School of Dance Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Posted 4/16/2024

2024 marks the 25th anniversary of our school. We celebrated on April 6th with our 25th Anniversary Chinese Dance Showcase. Thank you to everyone who came to enjoy it with us, the students and parents who worked so hard to make it happen, and the sponsors who made it so much better!

Year of the Dragon: TLOC Chinese New Year 2024 performances
Posted 2/11/2024, updated 3/16/2024

We received many performance invitations for Chinese New Year. You may find details on our Performances page.


The Love of China Commended on 20th Anniversary by Austin's Mayor Steve Adler
Posted 3/18/2019

Mayor's commendation letterMayor Adler commended The Love of China for twenty years of contribution to the abundant and diverse arts in Austin, saying that it has been a real asset to Austin. For twenty years, we have served the Chinese American community in both maintaining cultural heritage and introducing Chinese culture to Austin through dance.

Click on the image of the letter to see a larger version.

March 31st proclaimed "The Love of China Day" by Austin's Mayor Steve Adler
Posted 3/18/2019

The Love of China Day proclamationIn honor of our 20th anniversary recital on March 31st, Austin's Mayor Steve Adler has proclaimed that day as "The Love of China Day". We will celebrate by performing our biggest program ever! Be there to celebrate with us, and bring your friends and family!

Click on the image of the proclamation to see a larger version.

Teaching Opportunities at The Love of China
Posted 3/5/2019

If you are a professional dance teacher who is passionate about teaching any style, we are interested in talking with you. Though our primary focus is Chinese dance, we have also offered classes and workshops in hip hop, ballet, and ballroom dance. Contact us about how you might bring your own passion to The Love of China!

The Love of China wins competition prize, performs at San Antonio Spurs game
Posted 2/3/2019

Dancers with trophyThe Love of China School of Dance competed in the Spurs Sports Academy Annual Dance, Drill & Pep Competition on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at the at the AT&T Center in San Antonio. Of 23 competing teams, The Love of China placed fourth, earning the right to perform at the opening of the San Antonio Spurs game that evening. Congratulations, Ribbon Dance girls!

Click the photos to see larger versions.

Ribbon Dance


Upcoming performances
Posted 9/12/2018

We have several performances coming up soon. For details, see our Performances page. Please contact us for more information.

City Hall Performance
Posted 8/21/2016

TLOC students performed at City Hall in Austin for the Asian-American Quality of Life Celebration & Volunteer Recognition event. Here is our photo with Austin's Mayor Steve Adler.
Photo with Austin's Mayor Steve Adler

Studio Space Available for Rent
Posted 11/11/2015

When not oterwise in use, our studio space is available for rent. Please contact us for more information.

Our raised dance floor is designed with the proper degree of absorption and resilience. Specifically designed for dance, it is comprised primarily of foam, wood and air.

The floor surfacing is a calendared vinyl consisting of a complex ‘sandwich' providing a slip resistant surface. This covering is used on the finest dance floors world wide.

Emily Dedear Receives NAAO Community Leadership Award
Posted 8/9/2010
The Love of China's director, Emily Dedear, received one of three 2010 Community Leadership Awards presented by the Network of Asian American Organizations at its 2010 Induction Ceremony held on July 28th. Speakers at the event included Austin's Mayor, the Honorable Lee Leffingwell (who also received a 2010 Public Service Leadership Award at the event) and Former US Ambassador to the UN Sichan Siv.



Copyright 2025 The Love of Chinax
